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- Oral Screening
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Oral self-examination
for individuals with FA
Power 2U
Why is regular self-examination of the mouth important?
Individuals with FA often have visible spots in their mouths that come and go and are nothing to worry about. Only in rare cases, these spots (called lesions) are premalignant or already cancerous.
Consistent and thorough observation can lead to early detection of important changes that can be monitored and/or treated effectively.
Therefore, in addition to regular visits at the dentist and ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat specialist), monthly self-examination or examination by a family member with documentation is recommended. Self-examinations do not replace a regular visit with your treating physician. Nevertheless, it is very helpful to examine the oral cavity regularly yourself and look for visible spots. Be proactive and take the advantage of early detection of changes in your mouth in your hands!
Here’s how to proceed:
1. Watch the intro video
2. Download the FAexam
3. Check out and watch video how the App FAexam works
4. Get started and reach out to us if you have any questions
Watch intro video
Watch intro video
Check out WHY and HOW you should perform a self-mouth inspection!
Download App FAexam
Download App FAexam
The app that helps you perform and easily document a self-mouth inspection!

What does FAexam offer you?
- Instructions & Videos: Learn step-by-step
- Reminders: Forget about forgetting!
- Documentation: Record mouth maps, take notes, and photos
- Save as PDF: Everything in one place
- Export: Share/print your PDF-Docus
- Mood Tracker: How do you feel today?
- Lexicon: Get important FA basics
Watch explanation video of App FAexam
Watch explanation video of App FAexam
Check out how the genius App FAexam works and what functions are in it!
Preventive Screenings
Learn here which screenings should be performed REGULARLY for adults!
(Suspicion of) Cancer - Do this
The doctor has seen „something“ and wants to take a tissue sample?
FA Wiki - know more about FA
Do you want to have more background information about FA?