FA-Lexicon: Changes

What is an Add-on Screening?

We have developed a very good screening system, especially for people affected by FA. This screening system is called the Add-on Screening. Most likely, your specialist doesn’t know about this system yet because they probably don’t have any other FA patients apart from you.

The standard…

and the special thing in FA
As a standard practice, doctors perform scalpel biopsies when there are questions about changes in the oral mucosa. Unfortunately, FA patients very often have spots that can come and go. With FA it is particularly important to investigate these spots early and regularly, and not wait for something bigger to develop.

Better for people with FA

Prevention without burden
If you get a scalpel biopsy every time you find a change in your mouth, it would be a very big burden for you. On the other hand, the brush biopsy is an ideal method to investigate any visible change in the oral cavity, because it is non-invasive, simple, and very reliable.
We have created a great informational video about this process, look at it HERE.

Early clarity through brush biopsy

HERE you will find all the information that your doctor needs about the Add-On Screening.

Please contact our team at any time if you have any questions or if you or your doctor needs anything. We would be very happy to help!


Here you can find the scientific ressources of the App FAexam.

Intro Video

Learn here how to provide your health journey.

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