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FA-Lexicon: Basics
Cancer in FA

Further chapters from „Basics“
The fear of getting cancer
We know it’s a topic we’d rather avoid. It is scary. But it’s so, so important. And the more you know, the better you can help yourself!
Actively taking care of your health is always better than burying your head in the sand and reacting too late.
Cancer is a risk for ALL people. Statistically, the risk of cancer in the general population increases to around 40-45% with age. Therefore, cancer is an issue that affects everyone and that EVERYONE should care about.
No risk of getting cancer „everywhere“
People with FA do NOT have an increased risk of developing every kind of tumor, only certain ones. Tumors in FA are particularly prevalent in the following areas
- the mouth and throat region (tongue, oral mucosa, larynx, esophagus)
- the female and male genitalia (vulva and penis) & cervix, and
- the anal area.
In FA, there is also a slightly increased risk of skin, breast, and liver tumors, although the risk is much lower compared to mucosal cancers.
This is why regular (!) check-ups at the dentist, ENT doctor, and gynecologist are very important for people with FA.

Leukemia in FA
Moreover, if you haven’t had a bone marrow transplant (BMT), you must have your blood and bone marrow tested regularly – even if your blood counts are stable and sufficient!
Because regardless of your blood counts, as a non-transplanted FA individual, you still have an increased risk of cancer of the hematopoietic system, namely: Leukemia (MDS, AML). If you have already had a BMT, then you should not have to worry about an increased risk of pre-leukemia or leukemia.
Do not hide FA
You need to be checked by doctors more thoroughly and earlier than people without FA. The best way to enable this is to hand out FA information material to your physicians on a regular basis or inform us and we can send it directly to your doctors. Get the FA Clinical Guidelines here
Point out extra risk
Often unknown to physicians is the occurrence of tumors in FA at a much earlier age as compared to the general population. Because they are not aware of this fact, they often miss early warning signs. Make sure that your doctors are aware that you are at an increased risk of cancer even at a YOUNG age!
Special feature for severe GvHD (rejection)!
If people with FA have had a bone marrow transplant (BMT), their risk of developing tumors may increase. If you have had significant acute and/or chronic GvHD disease (rejection) and/or very severe mucositis (inflammation of the lining of the mouth) you should also take extra care. For these FA patients, it is even more important to regularly attend cancer screening appointments.
Here you can find the scientific ressources of the App FAexam.
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